Brush up on stroke risk factors and symptoms to protect your health BULLHEAD CITY – In the midst of all the gifts and good times, the holidays also come with a higher risk for medical emergencies, including stroke. Celebrations often include rich foods and alcohol, and busier social calendars can leave less time for exercise and sleep. Added stress from holiday preparations, shopping for gifts, increased expenses or traveling, along with millions of other holiday activities can affect the body. Cold wea... ... Read More
Mid-Year Check-in: Take Full Advantage of Your Health Insurance Coverage BULLHEAD CITY – The midpoint of the year is a good time to review health insurance policies to ensure you will get the most out of plan benefits, especially if you have already met the annual deductible. Many insurance plans will cover most, if not all, costs for eligible medical procedures and treatments once an individual meets the deductible and out of pocket maximum, making the second half of the year an opportune time to sched... ... Read More
BULLHEAD CITY - Western Arizona Regional Medical Center's Senior Circle will host CPR class at 11:30 a.m., Friday, June 14, at Anderson Fieldhouse, 3663 Bullhead Parkway. In addition to hands-only CPR, information on how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) will also be presented by WARMC's Trauma and Chest Pain Coordinator Nicole Oliver, RN. This a hands-on, informational Lunch and Learn. No CPR certification is offered at this class. Participants are asked to make a reservation by 5 p.m., ... ... Read More
Longer growing seasons and warmer temperatures make more pollen BULLHEAD CITY – Itchy eyes. Nasal congestion. Sneezing. If these symptoms pop up for you during spring, summer and fall, you’re among the estimated one in four Americans who experience seasonal allergies. Many people believe their allergies are getting worse every year, with more irritation over a longer period of time, and it’s not their imagination. Scientists are seeing higher pollen concentrations and lengthier pollen seasons due to shi... ... Read More
On hospital's 40 anniversary, WARMC delivers essential medical services and broad impact to the larger community Western Arizona Regional Medical Center’s health system is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year of providing essential care to our community. Our growth in services is significant, from the 36-bed hospital that opened in 1984, to today’s 139-bed facility offering medical, surgical, emergent care and urgent care as well as 24/7 coverage in the WARMC Heart Center. Over the past year, our ... ... Read More
BULLHEAD CITY – It’s a leap year, and that means we all can look forward to an extra day in February – an extra day to enjoy life, be well, and pursue the things that make us happy. And, while an extra day is nice, what if you could add more years to your life? Caring for your heart is one of the best ways to increase longevity. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, responsible for one in five adult deaths in the U.S each year. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prev... ... Read More
BULLHEAD CITY – If it seems like more people are getting sick each day – it’s not your imagination. Diagnoses of flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are on the rise across the U.S with the CDC trackers showing flu activity to be high in Arizona. The Arizona Department of Health Services reports a 40% increase in respiratory virus cases in the week beginning Dec. 17, with more people visiting the emergency department or needing hospitalizations for treatment of severe symptoms. COVID-19 a... ... Read More